
What is research evaluation service?


Effective resource allocation in a scholarly institution starts from research evaluation.
Performance-based resource allocation can motivate researchers to make better performance.
In other words, clear evaluation results in positive incentives for researchers.
Research evaluation service can help positive circulation of resource by providing various metrics.


How to get an access for this service?


Scholytics is a B2B service and a paid service. Therefore, members in an institution and universities need to check if their organization is currently using Scholytics. The easiest way to check if your orginazation is using Scholytics is to click 'Check Access' button in the home page of Scholytics.
First, for an accurate result, you need to be in the exact location of your organization, which means that you need to be in one of the official IP addresses of your organization. Then, click 'Check Access' button in the home page of Scholytics.

Check Access!

If your organization has an access for Scholytics, you can sign up and register an account with the form of your organization email.
If not, you need to ask your library or office of research affairs whether your organization has an access for Scholytics.


How can I make an account if my institution is using Scholytics?


If your organization has an access for Scholytics, you can sign up and register an account with the form of your organization email.
However, you need to be in the exact location of your organization when you first register your account. It means that you need to be in one of the official IP addresses of your organization.
Once you register your email and make an account, you can access Scholytics even in a remote access from any IP addresses in the world.


If your organization do not have an access for Scholytics, you need to first ask your library or office of research affairs whether your organization has an access for Scholytics.


What is the source of metadata in Scholytics?


Data in Scholytics are basically come from Naver Academic, and part of the data in Scholytics are from secondary data not from Naver Academic.
Naver Academic is trying to cover all of the scholarly documents in the world. Global top publishers and aggregators are providing their metadata based on agreements.
Not all the data in Naver Academic is useful for Scholytics because some data do not have the information of authors and because some data do not have the information of affiliations. Therefore, the total number of scholarly documents in Scholytics is not identical with that in Naver Academic.


How to understand FWCI?


FWCI, Field-Weighted Citation Impact is the core metric in Scholytics. Citation itself is a good performance indicator, however publications in a different categories cannot be compared fairly if we do not consider contextual information.
For example, publications in engineering or medical category earn normally higher citations rather than publications categorized in humanities. Therefore, FWCI can be more balanced metric in comparing publications in different categories.

The meaning of FWCI is rather simple and intuitive.
If FWCI is 1, it means that the publication received the same number of citations with similar publications in the same category, publication year and document type.
If FWCI is 2, it means that the publication received twice more citations than similar publications.
If FWCI is 0.5, it means that the publication received only half of the citations received by similar publications.


What is the exact definition of self-citation in Scholytics?


Self-citation in Scholytics is citation received from publications of the same authors in an entity. Other research evaluation platforms may use different meaning concerning self-citation, however Scholytics use self-citation only in author-level.
Although a selected entity can be an institution or a country, self-citation in Scholytics always means self-citation in author-level.


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